• לשון עברית ולשונות שמיות
  • לשון עברית ולשונות שמיות

Department of Hebrew & Semitic Languages

If you wish to discover the secrets of the Hebrew language, the Department of Hebrew & Semitic Languages at Bar-Ilan University is the place for you. Here you can study all stages of the language: Biblical Hebrew, Rabbinic Hebrew, Medieval Hebrew, Modern Hebrew. We also offer other Semitic languages, including Aramaic, Akkadian, Ugaritic and Phoenician. Our graduates find employment in fields such as research, teaching and copyediting (with a certificate from our copyediting program).

Find out what's going on
Hebrew & Semitic Languages
<p>The study of ancient Hebrew and other Semitic languages allows us to understand the origins and development of the language we speak today. Department graduates find employment in fields such as research, teaching, copyediting and the media.
Prof. Zohar Livnat Academic Staff
Research: Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Verbal Irony, Syntax and Semantics of Modern (spoken) Hebrew, Rhetoric and Argumentation, Academic and Scientific…
Author: Noga Ayali-Darshan
The tale of the combat between the Storm-god and the Sea that began circulating in the early second…