Prof. Zohar Livnat


    Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Verbal Irony, Syntax and Semantics of Modern (spoken) Hebrew, Rhetoric and Argumentation, Academic and Scientific Discourse, Plitical Discourse, Language and Law



    Livnat, Zohar, Rhetoric of the Scientific Article: Language and the Discourse Community, Bar-Ilan Press 2010 [in Hebrew].

    Livnat, Zohar, Dialogue, Science and Academic Writing, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2012.

    Livnat, Zohar, Introduction to the Theory of Meaning: Semantic and Pragmatics, The Open University 2014 [in Hebrew].


    Selected Papers

    Livnat, Zohar, “Ulay – From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew: A Semantic-Textual Approach”, Hebrew Studies XLII 2001, pp. 81-104.

     Livnat, Zohar and Tamar Sovran, “Creativity vs. Meaningfulness in Adverbial Derivation”, Folia Linguistica XXXV/3-4 2002, pp. 299-312.

    Livnat, Zohar, “From Epistemic Modality to Deontic Modality: Evidence from Hebrew”, Folia Linguistica Historica XXIII/1-2 2003, pp. 107-114.

    Livnat, Zohar and Il-il Yatziv, “Causality and Justification: The Causal Marker Ki in Spoken Hebrew”, Revue de Semantique et Pragmatique 13 2003, pp. 99-119.

    Livnat, Zohar, “On verbal irony, meta-linguistic knowledge and echoic interpretation”, Pragmatics & Cognition 12:1 2004, pp. 57-70.

    Wolf-Monzon, Tamar and Zohar Livnat, "The Poetic Codes of Rechovot Ha-nahar ("Streets of the River")", Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 23 (2) 2005, pp. 19-33.

     Livnat, Zohar, "Argumentation in a Complex Action Game: A Court Judgement as a Dialogic Suasive Text", Studies in Communication Sciences, Special issue: Argumentation in Dialogic interaction, June 2005, pp. 203-214.

     Livnat, Zohar, "La rhétorique de l'objectivité: le rôle de l'auteur dans l’écriture scientifique", Questions de Communication 9, 2006, pp. 95-121.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Gender online in Hebrew: New technology, old language", In: Thüne, E., C. Bazzanella and S. Leonardi (Eds.) Gender, Language and New Literacy: A Multilingual Analysis, London: Continuum, 2006, Ch. 11, pp. 169-181

    Livnat, Zohar, "The concept of scientific fact: Perelman and Beyond", Argumentation 23 (3), 2009, pp. 375-386.

     Livnat, Zohar, "Impersonality and grammatical metaphors in scientific discourse: The rhetorical perspective", LIDIL 41, 2010, pp. 103-119.

     Livnat, Zohar, "Quantity, truthfulness, and ironic effect", Language Sciences 33:2, 2011, pp. 305-315.

     Livnat, Zohar, "Making analogy work in the public arena", Journal of Language and Politics 10:2, 2011, pp. 227-247.

    Bronstein, Ilan, Nelson, Noa, Livnat, Zohar and Ben-Ari, Rachel, "Rapport in negotiation: The contribution of the verbal channel", Journal of Conflict Resolution 56 (6), 2012, pp. 1089-1115.

    Livnat, Zohar and Dori-Hacohen, Gonen, "The effect of irony in radio talk-back programs in Israel", in: Fetzer, A. (ed.) The pragmatics of political discourse: Explorations across cultures. John Benjamins 2013, pp. 193-217.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Apposition", in: EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan, S. Bolozky, S. Fassberg, G. Rendsburg, A. Rubin, O.R. Schwarzwald, T. Zewi (Eds.), New York: Brill, 2013, Vol. I pp. 118-120.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Intensifier: Modern Hebrew", in: EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan, S. Bolozky, S. Fassberg, G. Rendsburg, A. Rubin, O.R. Schwarzwald, T. Zewi (Eds.), New York: Brill, 2013, Vol. II, pp. 302-303.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Parenthesis", in: EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan, S. Bolozky, S. Fassberg, G. Rendsburg, A. Rubin, O.R. Schwarzwald, T. Zewi (Eds.), New York: Brill, 2013 Vol. III, pp. 19-21.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Rhetoric", in: EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan, S. Bolozky, S. Fassberg, G. Rendsburg, A. Rubin, O.R. Schwarzwald, T. Zewi (Eds.), New York: Brill, 2013, Vol. III, pp. 416-418.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Negotiating scientific ethos in academic controversy", Journal of Agumentation in Context 3 (2) 2014, pp. 126-152

    Einat, Tomer and Livnat, Zohar, "Words, values and identities: The Israeli Argot (jargon) of prisoners", Israel Studies in Language and Society 6 (1) 2014, pp. 31-58.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Dialogue on the continuum of confrontation: The dialogic aspect of academic articles", in: Brumme, J. and Lopez Ferrero, C. (Eds.), La ciencia como diálogo entre teorías, textos y lenguas Con la colaboración de FAN Cong. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2015

    Gonen, Einat, Livnat, Zohar and Amir, Noam, "The discourse marker axshav ('now') in spontaneous spoken Hebrew: Discursive and prosodic features", Journal of Pragmatics 89, 2015, pp. 69-84.

    Dori-Hacohen, Gonen and Livnat, Zohar, "Negotiating norms of discussion in the public arena: The use of irony in radio phone-in programs", Journal of communication 65, 2015, pp 909-931.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Linguistic-Rhetorical inquiry of concession structures in a confrontational academic context", REDIS: Revista De Estudos Do Discurso 4, 2015, 67-93.

    Livnat, Zohar, "Dialogue on the continuum of confrontation: The dialogic aspect of academic articles", in: Brumme, J. and Lopez Ferrero, C. (Eds.), La ciencia como diálogo entre teorías, textos y lenguas Con la colaboración de FAN Cong. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2015, pp. 247-268.

    Livnat, Zohar and Lewin, Beverly, "The Interpersonal Strand of Political Speech: Recruiting the Audience in PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Speeches", Language and Dialogue, 6:2, 2016, pp. 275-305.

    Last Updated Date : 14/09/2022