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Prof. Malka Muchnik



    BA: 1982, Bar-Ilan University, Hebrew & General Linguistics

    MA: 1986, Bar-Ilan University, Hebrew Language (Cum Laude)  

    Ph.D: 1992, Bar-Ilan University, Hebrew Language


    Master’s Thesis:

    Expressions of Tense, Mood and Aspect in Modern Hebrew

    Supervisor: Prof. Ora Schwarzwald


    Ph.D. Dissertation:

    Language Differences between Men and Women in Hebrew Journals

    Supervisor: Prof. Ora Schwarzwald


    Professional Tasks:

    President of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society [IALS] (2007-2009)

    Founder Editor of Israel Studies in Language and Society [peer-reviewed e-journal]


    Member of the Committee for the Teaching of Hebrew, The Ministry of Education (2009)

    Head of the Hebrew and Semitic Languages Department (2010-2012)

    Member of the Terminology Committee of the Hebrew Language Academy on Information Technology (2011-2014)

    President of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics (since 2020)



    Master Theses (approved):

    1. Heftsiba Ichay: Women’s Dialogues in the Bible (co-supervisor) (2002).

    2. Liat Raibee: Word Formation and Foreign Words in Yitzhak Ben-Ner’s Writing (2006).

    3. Lior Josef: Meaning Apprehension of Words and Idioms in Hebrew When Worded in Masculine or Feminine Gender (2006).

    4. Lilach Haser-Shabtay: Language Distinctiveness of the Ultra-Orthodox in Plays (2006).

    5. Revital Shadmi: Language Mixing in Hebrew-Spanish Bilingual Children (2006).

    6. Nesya Richter: The Interaction of Hebrew and English among Bilingual Children in Canada (2010).

    7. Hila Shovali: The Protest Songs in the Israeli Rock: A Stylistic & Sociolinguistic Study (2012).

    8. Tehila Shpack: Comprehension and Processing of Multiple Negation by Adolescents with Language Impairment (co-supervisor: Sharon Armon-Lotem) (2012).

    9. Orit Torem: Jerusalem Announcements in 1860-1940 (2014).

    10. Adi Peleg: Language on the Plate: Popular Eating Related Idioms Used in Talkbacks (2015).

    11. Ronit Rubinsky: The Language of Davar Liyladim before the State Establishment (2015).

    12. Ilanit Bokor Friling: Linguistic Characteristics Reflecting Cultural Groups in Tel Aviv in the First Decades of the 20th Century (2015).

    13. Evgeni Spivak: Linguistic Changes and Quantitative Deviations in Different Translations of "A Hero of Our Time" by Michail Lermontov (2015).


    Ph.D. Dissertations (approved):

    1. Shirly Lazar: Sociological and Psychological Aspects in Lexical Specificity and Word Formation among Kindergarten Children (2004).

    2. Rinat Golan: Formal and Informal Acquisition of Hebrew Language among New Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and its Influence on the Social and Cultural Absorption (2008).

    3. Heftsiba Ichay-Amichay: Speech Acts and Gender Relations in Modern Israeli Plays (2008).

    4. Revital Shadmi: Hebrew-Spanish Bilingualism in Family Discourse (2011).

    5. Nesya Richter: The Impact of the Jewish School on Hebrew Language Maintenance among Bilingual Children in Canada (2019).

    6. Hila Shovali-Polak: Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis of Internet Talkbacks in a Political Context (2022).

    7. Ronit Rubinsky: The style of writing in children newspapers on the eve of the Israeli state's foundation and nowadays (2022).


    Ph.D. Dissertations (in progress):

    1. Cristiana Lucchetti: Language and Culture in the Context of Migration: A Study on Russian-Speaking Communities in Israel and Germany (second supervisor with Prof. Ulrich Schweier, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich).






    General Linguistics               

    Modern Hebrew                    



    Foreign Influences                 

    Language and Gender


    Hebrew Stylistics



    Spanish in Israel


    Jewish Journalism



    Books (Author):

    1. Word-Formation in Contemporary Hebrew (Didactic Guide). Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1993 [Hebrew].

    2. Grammar – The Easy Way (Handbook for Hebrew Learners). Bnei Berak, 1995 [Hebrew].

    3. The Gender Challenge of Hebrew. Leiden: Brill, 2015 [English].

    4.  Elective Language Study and Policy in Israel: A Sociolinguistic and Educational Study  (Malka Muchnik, Marina Niznik, Anbessa Teferra & Tania Gluzman). London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 [English].

    5. Language, Culture and Society, vol. 1: Reciprocal Influences. Raanana: The Open University of Israel 2022 [Hebrew].


    Books (Editor):

    1. Word-Formation in Contemporary Hebrew (Reader), with Raphael Nir. Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1993 [Hebrew].

    2. Pseiphas (studies on different issues). Tel-Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1994-1996, No. 1-5 [Hebrew].

    3. Talpiot 11 – In Honor of Prof. M.Z. Kaddari, with Dov Shahor, Aharon Mundshain and Ora Schwarzwald. Tel Aviv, 2000 [Hebrew].

    4. Studies in Modern Hebrew on the 30th. Anniversary of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics, with Yitzhak Shlesinger. Jerusalem: Tzivonim, 2003 [Hebrew].

    5. Studies in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages – In Honor of Ora Schwarzwald (with Tsvi Sadan). Jerusalem: Carmel, 2012 [Hebrew & English].


    Articles and Book Chapters:

    1. Expressions of tense, mood and aspect in Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Linguistics 27 (1989), pp. 29-54 [Hebrew].

    2. The choosing of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions in the Israeli press. Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, 1990, division D, volume I, pp. 157-163 [Hebrew].

    3. Suffixed object pronouns in the press. Hebrew – a Living Language, editors G. Toury & R. Ben-Shahar. Haifa: Haifa University Press, 1992, volume I, pp. 119-128 [Hebrew].

    4. Some rules of thumb for the teaching of non-vocalized orthography. Leshonenu Laam 43 (5) (1992), pp. 175-177 [Hebrew].

    5. Teaching non-vocalized orthography without using the grammatical rules. Helkat Lashon 13 (1994), pp. 30-35 [Hebrew].

    6. Is there a difference between male and female language in the press? Patuach 2 (1994), pp. 17-35 [Hebrew].

    7. On a special category of Israeli slang. Leshonenu Laam 45 (2) (1994), pp. 65-74 [Hebrew].

    8. A special use of the plural morpheme in Contemporary Hebrew. Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, division D, volume I, 1994, pp. 85-91 [Hebrew].

    9. Why do they need to translate? Pseiphas 2 – Foreign Influences on Contemporary Hebrew, editor M. Muchnik. Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1994, pp. 49-56 [Hebrew].

    10. Neologisms and word-formation in two books by S. Yizhar. Hadassah Kantor Jubilee Book, editors O. Schwarzwald & Y. Shlesinger. Ramat Gan, 1995, pp. 130-134 [Hebrew].

    11. The Tel Aviv language of Gafi Amir. Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israëlense, studia VII, 1995, pp. 17-22 [Hebrew].

    12. A little suffix growing up. Helkat Lashon 23 (1996), pp. 13-22 [Hebrew].

    13. Review of ‘Unvocalized Hebrew Writing’ by Emmanuel Allon. Helkat Lashon 23 (1996), pp. 264-270 [Hebrew].

    14. Men vs. women: Different communication. Hebrew Linguistics 41 (1997), pp. 79-86 [Hebrew].

    15. S(O)V order in contemporary Hebrew literature. Talpiot 9 (1997), pp. 306-318 [Hebrew].

    16. Personal titles in ultra-orthodox communication, with Haddassa Kantor. Hebrew Linguistics 45 (1999), pp. 53-60 [Hebrew].

    17. Choosing words: a study on elections’ language. Contemporary Journalistic Language – Memorial Book to Mina Efron, editor M. Horvits. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute, 1999, pp. 39-47 [Hebrew].

    18. Marked and unmarked directives in Modern Hebrew, with Hadassa Kantor. Contemporary Journalistic Language – Memorial Book to Mina Efron, editor M. Horvits.  Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute, 1999, pp. 134-147 [Hebrew].

    19. Adjective formation in Hebrew slang. Raphael Nir Jubilee Book, editors O.R. Schwarzwald, S. Blum-Kulka & E. Olshtain. Jerusalem: Carmel, 2000, pp. 377-389 [Hebrew].

    20. Sentence length in two novellas by Judith Katzir. Talpiot 11 (2000), pp. 211-220 [Hebrew].

    21. Syntactic structure and gender in two stories by Judith Katzir. Helkat Lashon 29-30-31-32 (2000), pp. 40-57 [Hebrew].

    22. Word order changes in Rivka Meshulach’s two translations of Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People’. Studies in Hebrew and Language Teaching in Honor of Ben-Zion Fischler, editors O.R. Schwarzwald & R. Nir. Even Yehuda: Reches, 2001, pp. 193-204 [Hebrew].

    23. Good and politically correct, Helkat Lashon 33-34 (2002), pp. 74-94 [Hebrew].

    24. Future perfect in Haim Beer’s writing. Leshonenu 65 (1) (2002), pp. 65-76 [Hebrew].

    25. Sentence length in two novellas by Judith Katzir. Hebrew Studies 43 (2002), pp. 7-20 [English].

    26. Suffixed object pronoun in Haim Beer’s writing. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israëlense, No. 14, 2003, pp. 17-22  [Hebrew].

    27. Gender characteristics in political writing. Hebrew – a Living Language, editors G. Toury & R. Ben-Shahar. Tel Aviv: The Porter Institute, 2003, volume III, pp. 207-220 [Hebrew].

    28. Discourse strategies of ‘Maxzirim Bitshuva’: The case of Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak. Studies in Modern Hebrew on the 30th. Anniversary of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics, editors Y. Shlesinger & M. Muchnik. Jerusalem: Tzivonim, 2003, pp. 168-183 [Hebrew].

    29. Changes in word order in two Hebrew translations of Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People’ by Rivka Meshulach. Target 15 (2) (2003), pp. 295-316 [English].

    30. Morphophonemic characteristics of acronyms in Contemporary Hebrew. Hebrew Linguistics 54 (2004), pp. 53-66 [Hebrew].

    31. Sociolinguistic characteristics in Busi’s writing. Helkat Lashon 35 (2004), pp. 5-19 [Hebrew]. 

    32. Exclusive language usage in posters of ultra-orthodox communities, with Haddassa Kantor. Morashtenu Studies II-III (2004), pp. 239-249 [Hebrew].

    33. On Almagor’s translation of Shakespearer’s ‘As You Like It’. Leshonenu 67 (1) (2004), pp. 79-91 [Hebrew].

    34. Is Modern Hebrew a synthetic or analytic language? Suffixed and independent pronouns in the writing of Haim Be'er. Folia Linguistica XXXVIII (3-4) (2004), pp. 257-276 [English].

    35. Discourse strategies of Maxzirim Bitshuva: The case of a repentance preacher in Israel. Text 25 (3) (2005), pp. 373-398 [English].

    36. Suffixed or independent pronouns in Haim Be’er’s writing. Language Studies 10 (2005), pp. 113-124 [Hebrew].

    37. Gender stereotypic language in Hebrew literature. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Womens Studies: Breaking the Glass-Ceiling, 2006. Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus [English].

    38. On explicitation in translations of Sábato’s ‘The Tunnel’. Hebrew – a Living Language, editors G. Toury & R. Ben-Shahar. Tel-Aviv: The Porter Institute, volume IV, 2006, pp. 243-258 [Hebrew].

    39. Listening as a means to learn the non-vocalized orthography. Kivunim (E-Journal) 12 (2006) [Hebrew].

    40. Gender stereotypes in David Grossman’s writing. Helkat Lashon 37-38 (2006), pp. 49-60 [Hebrew].   

    41. Language and gender. New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age – An Encyclopedic View, editors J. Yovel & D. Shaham, 2007, volume 2, pp. 285-288 [Hebrew].

    42. Gender differences in slang expressions as social communication. Social Issues in Israel 3 (2007), pp. 5-20 [Hebrew].

    43. Formal and informal forms of address. Haivrit weahyoteha 6-7 (2006-2007), pp. 141-161 [Hebrew].

    44. Telling the same story: His or her style (with Anat Stavans). International Perspectives on Gender and Language, editors J. Santaemilia et al. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, 2007, pp. 318-332 [English]. 

    45. Gender differences as social messages in Hebrew slang expressions. Cahiers dAnalogie et Diachronie 4 (2007), pp. 327-347 [English]. 

    46. Language production in trilingual children: Insights on code switching and code mixing (with Anat Stavans). Sociolinguistic Studies 1 (3) (2008), pp. 483-515 [English]. 

    47. Formal and informal acquisition of Hebrew language among new immigrants from the former Soviet Union and its influence on the social and cultural absorption (with Rinat Golan). Hed Haulpan Hechadash 92 (2008), pp. 107-115 [Hebrew].    

    48. ‘Smart bomb’ and ‘friendly fire’: The use of language as a camouflage of violence. The Power of Words, editor Y. Gitay. Emek Yezreel: The Max Stern Academic College, 2009, pp. 114-129 [Hebrew].

    49. Telling the same story to your child: Mothers’ versus fathers’ storytelling interactions (with Anat Stavans). Women and Language 32 (1) (2009), pp. 60-69 [English].

    50. Is it just the telenovelas? Learning Spanish in Israeli schools. Sociolinguistic Studies 4 (1) (2010), pp. 45-62 [English].

    51. Gender stereotypes in the language of Be My Knife by David Grossman. Text & Talk 30 (5) (2010), pp. 553-570 [English].

    52. Hebrew learning and identity perception among Russian speakers in Israel (with Rinat Golan). Journal of Jewish Identities 4 (1) (2011), pp. 105-127 [English].

    53. Linguistic simplification and generalization among second language learners (with Rinat Golan). Mizimrat Halashon, editors I. Haskel-Shaham et al. Jerusalem: The Ministry of Education, 2012, pp. 345-365 [Hebrew].

    54. Is it possible to avoid sexism in Hebrew? Studies in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages – In Honor of Ora Schwarzwald, editors M. Muchnik & T. Sadan. Jerusalem: Carmel, 2012, pp. 487-505 [Hebrew].

    55. Gender variations in Hebrew. Gender-Linked Variation across Languages, editors Y. Elhindi & T. McGarry. Champaign, IL: Common Ground, 2013, pp. 36-49 [English].

    56. Attitude to Language. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 232-235 [English].

    57. Gender and Language. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 17-20 [English].

    58. Slang, Israeli Hebrew. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2013, vol. 3, pp. 574-576 [English].

    59. Taboos. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2013, vol. 3, pp. 723-724 [English].

    60. El español como lengua electiva en Israel. In: B. Blecua, S. Borrell, B. Crous & F. Sierra (eds.), Plurilingüismo y Enseñanza de ELE en Contextos Multiculturales. Girona: ASELE, 2013, pp. 624-631 [Spanish].

    61. The study of foreign languages in Israeli schools: Russian, Amharic, French and Spanish (first author, with M. Niznik, T. Anbessa & T. Gluzman). Studies in Language Teaching in Israel, editors S. Donitza-Schmidt & O. Inbar. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute, 2014, vol. II, pp. 225-262 [Hebrew].

    62. Norms determination in Hebrew and other languages. Ha’Ivrit 62 (2-3) (2015), pp. 129-138 [Hebrew].

    63. Trying to change a gender-marked language: Classical versus Modern Hebrew. Gender, Language and the Periphery, editors J. Abbou & F. Beider. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2016, pp. 26-47 [English]. 

    64. Morphosyntactic changes in the translations of plays over the course of six decades. Hebrew Linguistics 71 (2017), pp. 75-99 [Hebrew].

    65. Personal names in Modern Hebrew: A morphosyntactic and gender analysis. Folia Linguistica 51 (2) (2017), pp. 369-390 [English].

    66. El estudio de español en Israel: Imagen sociolingüística y educacional. In: J.M. Santos Rovira (ed.), Lingüística Hispánica: Raíces y Horizontes. Lugo, España: Editorial Axac, 2019, pp. 137-160 [Spanish].

    67. Reconstructing a cultural heritage: The return of biblical personal names in Israel. Onoma 55 (2020), pp. 271-289. DOI: 10.34158/ONOMA.55/2020/15 [English].


    Lectures at Scientific Conferences:

    1. Expressions of Tense, Mood and Aspect in Modern Hebrew, Workshop of the Israel Theoretical Linguistics Association, Tel Aviv University, 1988.

    2. The Choosing of Subordinating and Coordinating Conjunctions, 10th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1990.

    3. The Suffixed Object Pronoun in Hebrew Press, 1st Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 1991.

    4. Language Differences between Men and Women, 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, 1992.

    5. On a Special Category of Israeli Slang, 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Beith-Berl College, Kfar Sava, 1993.

    6. Word Order in Contemporary Hebrew Literature, 2nd Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 1993.

    7. A Special Use of the Plural Morpheme in Contemporary Hebrew, 11th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1993.

    8. Neologisms and Word-Formation in two Books by Izhar, 21st Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University, 1994.

    9. The Tel Aviv Language of Gafna Amir, 10th Conference of the Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense, The Israeli National Scientific Academy, Jerusalem, 1994.

    10. Men vs. Women: Different Communication, 1st Conference on Sociolinguistics, Bar-Ilan University, 1994.

    11. Irit Linur: New Writing Norms, 11th Conference of the Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, 1995.

    12. A Little Suffix Growing up, 22nd Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Levinsky College, TelAviv, 1995.

    13. Choosing Words: A Study on Elections Language, 23rd Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, The Technion, Haifa, 1996.

    14. Language and Gender: Some Differences between Men and Women in Ultra-Orthodox Posters, 28th Conference of the Israel Sociological Association, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Academic College, Tel Aviv, 1997.

    15. Markedness and Unmarkedness in Hebrew Directives (with Hadassah Kantor), Annual Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, Levinsky College, Tel Aviv, 1997.

    16. The Special Language of Ultra-Orthodox Posters (with Hadassah Kantor), 12th Conference of the Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1997.

    17. Register and Stratification in Ultra-Orthodox Posters (with Hadassah Kantor), 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1997.

    18. Adjectives Formation in Modern Hebrew Language, 2nd Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 1997.

    19. Morphophonemic Characteristics of Acronyms in Contemporary Hebrew, 25th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Haifa University, 1998.

    20. Structure and Meaning in Two Novellas by Judith Katzir, 26th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, David Yallin College, Jerusalem, 1999.

    21. Word Order Changes in Rivka Meshulach’s Translations, 27th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, 2000.

    22. Gender and Metaphor in Political Writing, 3rd Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 2001.

    23. Future Perfect in Haim Beer’s Writing, 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2001.

    24. The ‘Southern’ Language in Busi’s Writing, 28th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Beit Berl College, Kfar Sava, 2001.

    25. Suffixed Object Pronoun in Haim Beer’s Writing, 18th Conference of the Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense, Bar-Ilan University, 2002.    

    26. The Language of Maxzirim Bitshuva, 1st Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society, Tel Aviv University, 2002.

    27. Gender Characteristics of Political Writing, 4th Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 2002.

    28. The Use of Suffixed and Independent Pronouns in Haim Be’er’s Writing,  International Conference on Hebrew Language and its Learning Methods, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2002.

    29. Discourse Strategies of Maxzirim Bitshuva, 29th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Applied Linguistics, Talpiot College, Tel Aviv, 2002.

    30. On Almagor’s Translation of Shakespearer’s ‘As You Like It’, 2nd Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2003.

    31. Slang and Word-Formation Conference on Language Education, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2004.

    32. On Different Translations of Sábato’s ‘The Tunnel’, 5th Oranim Conference, Oranim College, Kiryat Tivon, 2004.

    33. Gender Stereotypes in Hebrew Literature, 3rd Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society, Beit Berl College, Kfar Sava, 2004.

    34. On Two Hebrew Translations of Ernesto Sabato’s ‘The Tunnel’, PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association) Conference, New York University, 2004.

    35. Learning Non-Vocalized Orthography by Listening, Script Conference, Bar-Ilan University, 2005.

    36. Language Production in Trilingual Children, 4th Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society, Bar-Ilan University, 2005.

    37. Gender Differences as Social Messages in Hebrew Slang Expressions, Conference on Israeli Slang, Bar-Ilan University, 2006.

    38. Gender Stereotypes in the Language of Hebrew Literature, 2nd International Conference on Women’s Studies – Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Cyprus, 2006.

    39. Telling the Same Story to Children, 5th Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society, The Open University of Israel, 2006.

    40. Telling the Same Story: His or Her Style, 4th International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2006.

    41. Discourse Strategies among Repentance Preachers, 2nd International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2007.

    42. ‘Smart Bomb’ and ‘Friendly Fire’: The Use of Language as a Camouflage of Violence, 6th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, The Technion, Haifa, 2007.

    43. ‘Smart Bomb’ and ‘Friendly Fire’: Hidden Violence behind Words, 17th Sociolinguistics Symposium, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.

    44. Learning Spanish in Israeli High Schools, Language Policy Research Center, Conference on Language Policy in Israel, Bar-Ilan University, 2008.

    45. Learning Spanish in Israeli Junior High and High Schools, 2nd International Free Linguistics Conference, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, Australia, 2008.

    46. El Español como Lengua Electiva en Colegios Secundarios de Israel, Coloquio de Español como lengua extranjera, Asociación de Hispanistas de Israel, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, 2009.

    47. Playing with Words in War, II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2009.

    48. El Español como Lengua Electiva en Colegios Secundarios de Israel, II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2009.

    49. ¿Serán Sólo las Telenovelas? El estudio de Español en Colegios Secundarios de Israel, IX Congreso Argentino de Hispanistas, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina, 2010.

    50. Trying to Change a Gender-Marked Language, 5th International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) Conference, Tsuda College, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.

    51. Is it Possible to Avoid Sexism in Hebrew? 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Achva College, 2011.

    52. Masculinisation in Modern Hebrew, 44th Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), University of the West of England, Bristol, 2011.

    53. El Español como Lengua Electiva en Israel, XXIII Congreso Internacional ASELE (Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera), Universitat de Girona, España, 2012.

    54. Changes in Plays Translations into Hebrew during the Course of Six Decades, Conference in Honor of Prof. Ora Schwarzwald, Bar-Ilan University, 2012.

    55. Typology Changes in Modern Hebrew, 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, 2013.

    56. Three Generations of Hebrew-Spanish Bilingualism in Kibbutzim and Urban Centers in Israel, 19th International Congress of Linguistics, The University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2013.

    57. Hebrew-Spanish Bilingualism in Kibbutzim and Urban Centers, 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2013.

    58. The Conflicted Language in Israeli Society, 6th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, University of Seville, Spain, 2014.

    59. Did Gender Change from Classical to Modern Hebrew? 10th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS), Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2014.

    60. Linguistic and Stylistic Changes in Drama Translation into Hebrew, Conference on Research Agendas in Literary Linguistics (LITLING), Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Main, Germany, 2015.

    61.  The Grammar of Personal Names in Modern Hebrew, Workshop on Proper Names and Morphosyntax, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, 2015.

    62. Morphology, Pragmatics and Gender in Hebrew Personal Names, 2nd International Conference on Hebrew and Yiddish in the Context of Contemporary Education and Culture, State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2016.

    63. Studying Elective Languages in Israeli Schools, 10th International Conference on Multilingualism and Third Language Acquisition, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2016.

    64. How Do You Call Women Who Fulfill an Official Function? International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, The National Association of Professors of Hebrew (NAPH), New York University, New York, USA, 2017.

    65. The Gender Use of Hebrew Personal Names, XXVI International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2017.

    66. Gender Discourse in the Knesset, 11th Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2018.

    67. The Study of Elective Languages in Israeli Schools, 37th International Conference of AESLA (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada), Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, 2019.

    68. La Expansión del Idioma Español en Israel, VIII Jornadas Internacionales de Lingüística Hispánica: Raíces y Horizontes, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.

    69. Are Biblical Names Still Used in Modern Hebrew? 3rd International Conference on Personal Names and Cultural Reconstructions, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2019.

    70. Speaking Spanish and Ladino in Israel, Expanding Romance Linguistics – Crossing the Boundaries, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2021 (online).

    71. La Enseñanza del Español en Israel, XI Coloquio CELU, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina, 2022 (online).

    72. Adverbs Productivity in Modern Hebrew, Workshop on Semitic Morphology of the 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM), University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, 2022.

         73. The Hybrid Language of Ultra-Orthodox News Websites in Israel, Third International Conference on Sociolinguistics, Charles   University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.

    74. La Ideología Lingüística Reflejada en Periódicos en Ladino, Ideologías lingüísticas en la Prensa Escrita y Otros Medios de Comunicación: El Caso de las Lenguas Románicas (ILPE 5), Universidad 3 de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2022.



    Last Updated Date : 22/11/2022